Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Yesterday we finally found time to mow the yard.  Who would have thought that we would be mowing this early!  Luckily we weren't the last ones on the street to mow... so I don't feel too bad about not doing it this past weekend.

Grayden LOVES to ride on the mower!

This is a perfect picture of the dogs.... doing what they are good at!
Fred: sitting on  his fat behind.
Ginger: Barking at anything that moves.

Don started working on the shed this weekend.  He is putting in a floor in half of the shed for his "shop" area. 

He gets so much scrap wood from job sites!
This is only a small part of it...

This is another part of it!  It all needs to get put in the shed somehow.  I want to plant flowers on each side of the shed... soon!
This is what the other half of the shed looks like now.  After the floor is finished and everything is moved into the shop area this will be for the yard/gardening equipment. 

Just another shot of the floor...

Here is where we had the pool last year... we put grass seed down in the fall to fill in the giant mud hole that was there, and now that grass is SO much taller than the rest of the yard!

Here is the other side of the shed... most of that stuff we are going to put on the curb and the rest needs to find a home in the shed.  I want to plant flowers on this side too!

Lots of fun on the mower left to come this summer!

Grayden went to a birthday party this past weekend for his friend Jack who was turning 2! 

The party was Toy Story themed, and every child had thier own place to sit.  Grayden got to take home a placemat and a sippy cup!

And... all of the candy he could grab out of the pinata!

He was very excited about all of the candy!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Welcome Baby Declan! 

We were so excited to hear about the new addition to our family! 
Congratulations to Eric and Erin!  He is a beautiful baby and you two are very lucky!

Happy St. Patricks Day! 

I didn't get pictures in the morning... so nevermind the cupcake frosting all over his face and shirt from his party at school!

These are the treat bags we made for Grayden's friends at school.  They were a HUGE hit!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

This weekend we went to a school auction in Huber Heights with Grandpa.  It was LOADS of fun!  I was hoping to get something to solve the storage problems in my craft room.  And maybe some more learning things for Grayden.  Who doesn't love a good auction?!?
I didn't bring my camera into the auction... there were WAY too many people and too much going on.  I didn't want to miss anything!
But here is what we went home with... yes that's a trailer... it sure is sad not having my truck anymore.
Ok, so the thing in the middle with the desk on top of it is a rolling cubby thing.  There were lots of them here and it was one of the items I came for.  This one came with bins for the cubbies and it came with a whole bucnh of other storage drawers and things on top of it because the auctioneer didn't want to take the time to sell things individually.  We got a GREAT deal on it all!
There are also some kid size tables.  I got 3 of them for $17!  We are going to keep one and I'm going to donate the other two. 
With the addition of some other small things (in the car) that was it for the first round at the auction.  We went to get the trailer after that.  When we came back I wanted to see where they were in the building.  They had 3 floors plus the basement and gymnasium to get through.  We came back just in time!  A lot of people had cleared out and the only ones left were people who wanted things for scrap!  So, I got the giant cabinet thing on the back of the trailer for SUPER CHEAP! It opens up and has a bar for hanging, a two drawer filing cabinet and lots of shelves.  It is perfect for organizing some craft stuff!
Oh yeah, and that desk that is upside down... one of the scrappers bought the WHOLE room and didn't want that desk.  He gave it to me for free!  I didnt' need it.. but Sara is going to put it to good use!

Grayden kept himself occupied by playing with some blocks he found in one of the cabinets.

The guys were not very thrilled with the second round of stuff.  They had the trailer organized once and then had to take most of it off and repack it all in.

These are the stairs we they had to carry the huge cabinet and free desk down!
It was almost a NO GO!

Here is the back of the car... most of that stuff was what was piled on top of the cubby cabinet. 
We got some play mats for $4.  Grayden LOVES them!

The tan bins are what go in the cubby cabinet.  They even have a place for me to put a label on them!  How AWESOME!?!

Taking one last look around to make sure our haul is secure.
Good job guys!  Lets go home!

Grayden got a bedtime story from Grandpa.  He was so tired after a long day at the auction!

Yesterday was SO nice out and we couldn't resist going out to play for a little bit after dinner. 

It was getting a little dark out so we decided to call it a night and head inside.  Tomorrow is supposed to be even nicer!  We can't wait!!!!