Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Photo Shoot Attempt 1 and 2

It has been raining so much this week I haven't been able to get picture time in. We got two sunny days to try to take pictures.

Photo shoot 1: Mr. Cooper decided he wanted to be awake the whole time.

Photo shoot 2: Cooper stayed asleep long enough for me to take a couple of shots and then he woke up.  We will try some more next week. 

Play time with Daddy
Look who can lift their head up!
Dr. Johnson was very impressed!

 Now time for baby arm exercises.

 Relax time

 Sara came to visit yesterday... 

  Sara and Grayden played go fish and a matching game.

 This is Grayden's thinking face.
 Then they colored some pictures.

Played on the couch a little...

Before reading a book before bedtime.
Grayden had a fun day yesterday!

Friday, July 12, 2013

We ventured outside again today, Grayden wanted to swim even though we told him it would be a little cold.

 Of course we need to count before we jump in the pool.

 Such a good under water swimmer!

 Mommy and Cooper hanging out in the shade.

 Grayden lasted about 10 minutes before he got too cold.