Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, November 21, 2013

July 31, 2013
Today we went to the zoo with Megan and her daughter Cassidy, Lauren and her daughter Khloe and Nicole and her son Kemonte.
It was an interesting trip with all of those kids.  I think we saw 5 animal exhibits in 5 hours.  



July 29, 2013
Lots of projects and some play time!
We have wanted to try to make some concrete leaves for a while now... today is the day!
We used Grayden's sandbox to mound up some sand and put our leaves on top.  Then we put the concrete on top of the leaf and let it get hard.  This was hard for me and for Grayden.  Grayden wanted to play in his sandbox but couldn't, and I wanted to see if they turned out and didn't want to wait for them to dry!
While we did the leaves Gryden was busy playing above us... or just being a ham!
After the leaves were done we poured some concrete into round molds for foot print stones.
Grayden was really excited to put his feet into the concrete!
Poor Cooper needed to get undressed a little for his part.
Turned out pretty good!
Next year we are going to have to find bigger molds for Grayden's HUGE feet!
After those projects were finished it was time to make a new concrete slab in front of the shed.
When Don lifted the rock that was there we found all sorts of little holes and trails from the worms... pretty cool!
Of course Grayden wanted to be a big helper and help dig out a spot for the concrete.
After the slab was poured it was time to work on the side of the shed.  We had lots of plants around the house that got a lot taller than we thought they would that needed moved somewhere else.  So we are making a flower bed beside the shed for all of our overflow plants. 
Grayden and Don were racing through the yard.
Now all that is left to do is mulch. 
I can't remember what these plants are... but they got WAY taller than we thought they would.
I think we are going to cut them off and let them start over... they are too top heavy and falling over.
This is the finished leaf project... not to bad!