Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, March 11, 2013

Christmas at Grandma's
What a little ham!

Grayden's Christmas Play
There will be video once I figure out how to get it to work on here!

New Hats!
I got some sweaters on half of day at the thrift and decided to make some hats out of them for the boys... what do you think?

Grandma's House!
October, 2012
Grandma got Grayden a marshmallow shooter from her trip out west.  Oh Boy! 


Battelle Darby Metro Park
to see the buffalo!
Battelle Darby Metro Park has a new nature center and buffalo exhibit.  We took Grandpa on November 11, 2012 to check it out!
They had a living stream that was really neat!

 And puppets which were a huge hit!

 Microscopes to check out things like nuts and shells.

 And different furs to touch.

 Too bad the buffalo were eating in a far away pasture.

Young's Dairy
September 30, 2012
We took a trip to Young's Dairy with Grandpa.
 They had lots of animals for Grayden to pet and talk to.
 And a train ride!

 And a play place!